10 on 10 February Blog Circle | Chicago Baby Photographer
This year I’m taking on a little personal project with a group of photographers which encourages us to take out our cameras and photograph something beautiful, something that is important to us, or something that catches our eye and thus, post ten favorite images. The tough part about this is not taking the pictures, but finding the time to do this amongst client sessions and daily responsibilites of home, children, and just life. For me, personally, another difficulty comes down to selecting just ten favorite images because most often when the subject is my own kids, I tend to fall in love with every single image.
For my debut of this project, I am starting with a few favorite shots of my baby girl who is such a sweet and funny little girl that just recently learned to sit all on her own. I just want to be able to freeze these moments when she is so little, with her chipmunk chubby cheeks, amazing lashes, and the funny thing she does with her lips when she is upset. Ahhh, I love this one so much.
Please enjoy and feel free to comment, then follow the link below to see the next photographer’s post in our blog circle.
I hope you enjoyed meeting my little girl! Now, please take a moment to follow the blog circle to see what Jennifer Frarck has decided to share this month.