Family of 5 | Chicago North Shore Family Photographer
It was a bit different working with older kids… Lets just say my poopoo talk, recital of ABC’s and singing “If you’re happy and you know it”, didn’t seem to get them a tad bit excited (what!?). Plan B. Plan B was of course to let them blow some steam off and play with dad! That seemed to have worked like a charm, for a few minutes, until it backfired…outfits were getting dirt on them and such. And now everyone was just trying to get them to calm down a bit so that we could actually get a few nice photos of the family. Not an easy task but doable. In the end, after all the sweat, blood and tears (well, there was no blood, I think), I captured some beautiful images of this awesome family. Can’t wait to see that they will have in store for me next year!