Baby Anthony | Chicago North Suburban Newborn Photographer
I’ve been slowly but surely easing into my new routine as a mommy of two. Gladly my little girl is a good sleeper (knock on wood) and I actually get some “free” time to do chores, paint my nails, take some pictures, and catch up on blogging, but not necessarily in that order. I have to admit that I’m a little sleep deprived, but surprisingly the person at fault is not my infant, but my 3 year old! He’s been waking up earlier and earlier each day, and we are literally like zombies in the very early morning trying to get him back into bed for at least another 30 minutes. No luck. I hope this is just a phase! Anyway, sorry for hijacking this post with a personal rant…. here are some pictures of a very handsome little guy and his awesome family. Gosh I’m in love with this session!
His dad said that he looks like a girl in this hat, but I don’t care, I still love it.
I guess I was in a girly mood that day…