Baby Shai | Glencoe Baby Photographer
Shai’s mom and I were discussing doing photos of her new baby boy back when she was still pregnant. Then, a little while after she gave birth to this handsome little guys, she contacted me to schedule a series of sessions to document his first year. We chose to begin our journey with Shai’s 4 month photo shoot because at this age he was strong enough to hold up his head and raise up on his arms while on his tummy. This doesn’t sound like much, but makes for a better variety of photos, as opposed to a baby just lying on his back. Plus, the baby is a little older and is not likely to get tired as soon, so we are able to get more shots. My goal is to always try and maximize the variety of photos that you receive, even with the tiniest of clients.
Loving his piercing blue eyes!
I love to capture how fascinated babies get when they first discover their hands/feet/legs.