Dominic turns one | Chicago, IL North Shore Portrait Photographer
My good friend Michelle and her husband Marc, make amazing parents. They have been together FOREVER, though being parents is a relatively news job for them. Just one year into the job, they have, very successfully, raised the most handsome and well mannered little boy! I couldn’t have been more happy to have had this opportunity to photograph their beautiful family. So, we were planning to do Dominic’s birthday session for quite some time. I think we both had the perfect cake smash session in mind, planning colors, cake, balloons, outfits, decor. The thing is, with little children you can plan all you want, but the fate of whatever you are planning will eventually end up in their hands. Mhuahaha (evil baby laugh, if there is such a thing). As we began our photo shoot, it took a little while for the shy birthday boy to loosen up and get used to the camera. First, we took some nice portraits that mom and dad can frame and hang on their wall, and then changed things up for the cake smash.
Finally, time for the cake smash – what we were all looking forward to. Except, Dominic…
Hmm, “I’m not sure about this cake mom. Are you sure I can eat this?”
Everything was great ad dandy with daddy right by his side, Dominic even got a little taste of the cake (the cake that was smeared on this face, that is). But, there was just something about that cake that he just was not sure about. Maybe he was taken aback by the bright colors, or the texture of frosting – the smashing just was not happening.
Sure we found it funny, but the little munchkin clearly thought that the cake was evil – thus the finger… he was doing “bad cake, bad cake!”
Ok, so let’s try to cutting a little piece of the cake, maybe he won’t be as terrified…you see how well that went.
Happy to report that the evil cake smash did not have any long term repercussions, because as soon as we went outdoors for some family pictures, Dominic has long forgotten about the cake and was all smiles, even when it started drizzling.
Little guys is very busy collecting dandelions